Federal International Finance-FIF Division Head of Human Capital
"I am inspired by the training Elements of the New HR that makes my mind open in HR. I recommend my friends in HR to join this training."
Bank Mandiri Taspen Pos Procurement Department Head
"This training helps me in increasing my competencies especially in procurement, sourcing, which i hope can be implemented when i am back to the office. Conclusion, this training is awesome."
HAVI Indonesia Facility Manager
"This training teach you technical skills from supplier selection to contract, vendor management. But, because the material is too many to be coevered in 3 days, and I suggest we add the days become 4 days or 5 days or you reduced the material become 3 days materials."
Multi Bintang Indonesia SIT Category Manager / Buyer
"The training is very useful for me, I met many smart people in procurement, the presenter Prof John Paul is very good in delivering the course. This is the best training i have attended in my life."
Great Giant Pineapple Purchasing & Supply Chain Senior Manager
"CIPM training by Husin Group is very interested, guided by presenter Prof John Paul, very experienced in his field, met many new friends, build up my network and increase my knowledge, very useful for me."
Djabesmen Supply Chain Manager
"Good training, good trainer. We learn so much about strategy in procurement, but the material is too many for 3 days, and luckily the trainer is good in delivering the main guideline and let us capture the important elements in CIPM course. I will implement this when I get back to my factory and my team. Thank you Husin for organising such a very good course."
Arnotts Indonesia Procurement Manager
"I have been in procurement, sourcing, supply chain world for 14 years, this CIPM training give us many benefits, example: with Prof John Paul delivering the course will let us know where is the level of procurement from our company, its very helpful for us to get updates and knowledge in the future. For other colleagues in procurement that want to increase their skills, this CIPM course is a very good choice for it, thank you."
AMMAN Mineral Senior Advisor Supply Chain Manager
"We attended CIPM by Husin Group, basically is to lift our skills in procurement international and local environment, the presenter provided a good, diverse and high level of information, and its very fast pace for a 3 days program. We will recommended other colleagues who wanted to get a very high level and holistic view of procurement and the key challenges that is facing the procurement manager in todays world, where technology advancing, where we see a very different types of impacts, forces, which continue for us procurement manager to responds, this CIPM course is the right training, its a good investment."
Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Manager Kesekretariatan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa / Procurement Administration
"This training is awesome, you will learn procurement in company, and also procurement in international worldwide, and also about trading, it is awesome."
Federal Karyatama Senior Procurement Manager
"The training broaden my procurement knowledge and how the function of procurement become more strategic in the company, this will let us know the critical points in procurement and how we achieved the target in our company."
Multi Bintang Indonesia Direct Materials Category Manager / Buyer
"This CIPM training help you a lot in procurement world."
Bank CIMB Niaga, VP Strategy & Support Group Head
"The reason I joined this CIPM training is because in my company we try to move from old fashion procurement to modern procurement. This course give us a lot of insights, and we will try to implement them when we back in the office."
AMMAN Mineral Gensupv-Bulk Commodities, SCM Purchasing
"This course is awesome, we learned a lot of things, we learn a lot of new terminologies (these terminologies is not actually new, we have been doing that in our daily work, it just we do not know what is the terminologies, with this course we know them now. The most important thing is, with this CIPM training I can meet a lot of wonderful people, its a very good in terms of networking, thank you Husin Group."